How did I come to paint:

I really wanted to paint a picture to say thank you to my daughter.

To say thank you for her commitment during and after the hard time with her badly diseased mother, my wife Gerda.

Now, I had no knowledge of painting, least of all with pastel chalk. Tineke, a very good friend of my wife and me, a professional painter from Heerenveen/Holland, said to me: “Arno, if you can write your name and if you can draw a straight line, so you can also paint.” I followed this clause and after a short time I began with my first painting steps in Heerenveen. “IT SHOULD BE JUST A THANK YOU PICTURE”, as you can see.
What I paint:
Everything what I like and the nature offers. Sunrises and sunsets, northern lights and other sky formations. Of course hands, portraits, sculptures and much much more including abstract and fantasy, there are no finally borders.
My role models are:
Rembrand, Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Cezanne, Gauguin, Pissarro, Picasso, Tamara de Lempika, Carel Willink und Helmantel.
My aim:
Inspire many people, mostly children by my painting and to entice them to create. Another aim is to accept the challenge for ambitious, to perfect my current skills and so it will never end.